The meaning of the word engineering has changed since it was first conceived in the 14th century, but it plays an increasingly important role in modern technology and the production of cars.
The term 'engineering' is derived from the word 'engineer', which dates back to 1390 when an engineer was a constructor of military devices. But in today's world, an engineer who is worth his money knows what multitasking is.
Simply put, engineering is applying scientific and mathematical knowledge to solve real-world problems, and the four major disciplines in engineering are mechanics, construction, electricity, and chemistry. Although traditionally an engineer specialized in only one discipline, the current generation must be a homo Universalis.
In these modern times, a car engineer is often expected to have knowledge of mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems, as well as software design and safety techniques. As vehicle systems are increasingly based on electronics and connectivity, the level of multidisciplinary knowledge required of a car engineer is rising.
To have knowledge of different industries
Engineers work in a variety of sectors, including automotive, defense, aerospace, energy - including both the nuclear and oil and gas industries, as well as renewable energy such as wind and solar, as well as medical, packaging, chemical, aerospace, food and beverage and electronics industries, and the steel and other metal manufacturing industries.
Engineers use a rational, logical approach to problem-solving, which also has a high level of creativity. Engineering is a vibrant sector in India and Engineering exports from India grew 16.8% to US$ 76,204.4 million in FY18 from US$ 65,239.2 million in FY17. Exports grew 11.2% year-on-year to reach US$ 46.4 billion during Apr-Oct 2018. During FY08–FY18, engineering exports from India registered growth at a CAGR of 8.5%.
Taking the past into the future
Engineering makes possible everything on this planet, from construction Great Pyramids of Egypt to the Steam engine, Telephone by Thomas and Alexander and starts an industrial revolution, to sending men into space. Nowadays, engineering makes modern life easy and we are highly depended on it.
Engineering is an important factor in development agendas in regions such as sub - Saharan Africa, where a lack of technical capacity leads to poor infrastructure and a lack of sustainable technological development. It is in areas such as this that engineers with particularly broad knowledge and capacities are most needed.